We are a small homebrew studio from Italy, focused on the development of retro-inspired videogames.
The team's name explains the sort of fragmentary nature of the studio, given that its members live in different places of the world and coordinate all the work using online platforms (not a novelty anymore, we know it).
Our first game, "Waimanu Daring Slides" (aka Waimanu DS), a puzzle-action game for the Nintendo DS was released in 2011. A couple of years later we ported the game to the Gameboy Advance platform, naming the effort "Waimanu Grinding Blocks Adventure" (aka Waimanu GBA - yes, we have a thing with console acronyms) and later we demaked the game again, with a SEGA Master System version called "Waimanu Scary Monsters Saga" (aka Waimanu SMS).
All these games were mentioned and reviewed on numerous retrogaming websites and magazines (have a look at the press section) and took part in online homebrew contests, always taking home some nice award.
In 2017 we released a new game, "Weka Invaders", a twist on Space Invaders with elements taken from other classic games of the past.
We hope you enjoy our work, we'll keep on figuring new ways to entertain you on your (retro) consoles - that's for sure!
If you want to get in touch with us, please use the following contact information :
email : disjointedstudio@gmail.com
twitter : @disjointedstd
Oh, and if you really appreciate our work, you can donate here

Game design. Also sound effects and some music, lately.

The Coder. Helps with a whole lot of different things too (too many to mention)
blog: http://adshomebrewersdiary.blogspot.com/
Chiptune extraordinaire, composed the Weka Invaders soundtrack
bandcamp: https://tomy.bandcamp.com

Graphics, animation, original artwork, website artwork.
blog: http://holyhellgba.blogspot.com/

Music maestro, composed the soundtrack of all games in the Waimanu series.